Organic Garlic


A beautiful tasting porcelain garlic.  This hard neck variety called ‘Music’ has a complexity of flavour that grocery store soft necks varieties just can’t match.  This garlic is grown organically at the Back Forty Farm and has excellent flavor which can be described as mildly to medium hot, with musky, rich taste. ‘Music’ has a high content of allicin which researchers say is a powerful antioxidant.  

Sold by the bulb – Contains approximately 4 – 5 Large Cloves Per Bulb

Stores Well – Cloves will store 4-6 months in good conditions (meaning dry, cool, and well-ventilated)

Organic (non-certified)




In stock


Also a great seed garlic as it’s Easy to grow ‘Music’ is a hardy garlic that likes cold weather. It can grow up to 3′-4′ tall. Its dark green leaves are stabilized by long roots. Stores well After harvest, the cloves store 4-6 months in good conditions (meaning dry, cool, and well-ventilated). Large cloves The ‘Music’ cloves are large and easy to peel.